Wednesday, 22 September 2010


After getting together all the shots and everyone was happy with what we had filmed we got into groups and starting editing on the mac's. in our editiing group there was me, vic, jack, shellie, sophie and jordan. We tried to split it between us but didnt find that very sucsessful so we all just did what we could.

As a group we didnt find many difficulties with the editing even though only some of the group have used the mac's before to edit. We found that some of the film clips were missing so whe have had to extend some of the shots before to make sure its all in time. If we do this again i would deffinatly make sure we got some clips on the moneky ect to make it easier when filming.

I really enjoyed this task because it has really got me ready for my real video later this year. I would deffinatly consider working with the people in my editing group in the real thing because i think we really got on well as a team and didnt really have any major dissagreements.

As the software on the mac's isn't billant we have done the best we can to get clean cuts and smooth editing.

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